Saturday, June 2, 2007



Until ten years ago, the telecommunications and computer

industries were almost entirely separate. Shortly they will be almost

completely fused. Most of today's hackers operate largely in

ignorance of what goes on in the lines and switching centres between

the computer they own and the computer they wish to access.

Increasingly, dedicated hackers are having to acquire knowledge and

experience of data networks, a task made more interesting, but not

easier, by the fact that the world's leading telecommunications

organisations are pushing through an unprecedented rate of

innovation, both technical and commercial. Apart from purely local

lowspeed working, computer communications are now almost

exclusively found on separate high-speed data networks, separate that

is from the two traditional telecommunications systems telegraphy and

telephone. Telex lines operate typically at 50 or 75 baud with an

upper limit of 110 baud.

The highest efficient speed for telephone-line-based data is 1200

baud. All of these are pitifully slow compared with the internal

speed of even the most sluggish computer. When system designers first

came to evaluate what sort of facilities and performance would be

needed for data communications, it became obvious that relatively few

lessons would be drawn from the solutions already worked out in voice


Analogue Networks

In voicegrade networks, the challenge had been to squeeze as many

analogue signals down limited-size cables as possible. One of the

earlier solutions, still very widely used, is frequency division

multiplexing (FDM): each of the original speech paths is modulated

onto one of a specific series of radio frequency carrier waves; each

such rf wave is then suppressed at the transmitting source and

reinserted close to the receiving position so that only one of the

sidebands (the lower), the part that actually contains the

intelligence of the transmission, is actually sent over the main data

path. This is similar to ssb transmission in radio.

The entire series of suppressed carrier waves are then modulated onto

a further carrier wave, which then becomes the main vehicle for

taking the bundle of channels from one end of a line to the other.

** Page 69

Typically, a small coaxial cable can handle 60 to 120 channels in

this way, but large cables (the type dropped on the beds of oceans

and employing several stages of modulation) can carry 2700 analogue

channels. Changing audio channels (as they leave the telephone

instrument and enter the local exchange) into rf channels, as well as

making frequency division multiplexing possible, also brings benefits

in that over long circuits it is easier to amplify rf signals to

overcome losses in the cable.

Just before World War II, the first theoretical work was carried

out to find further ways of economising on cable usage; what was then

developed is called Pulse Code Modulation (PCM).

There are several stages. In the first, an analogue signal is

sampled at specific intervals to produce a series of pulses; this is

called Pulse Amplitude Modulation, and takes advantage of the

characteristic of the human ear that if such pulses are sent down a

line with only a very small interval between them, the brain smoothes

over the gaps and reconstitutes the entire original signal.

In the second stage, the levels of amplitude are sampled and

translated into a binary code. The process of dividing an analogue

signal into digital form and then reassembling it in analogue form is

called quantization. Most PCM systems use 128 quantizing levels, each

pulse being coded into 7 binary digits, with an eighth added for

supervisory purposes.



<------| SYN | CH1 | CH2 | CH3 | CH4 | SYN | CH1 |


+-----------------+ +-----------------+

1 | | | |1

--+ | +---+ +---+ | +--

2 | | | | | | | |2

--+ MULTIPLEXER |==+ M +--\/\/--+ M +==--+ MULTIPLEXER +--

3 | | | | | | | |3

--+ | +---+ +---+ | +--

4 | | | |4

--+-----------------+ +-----------------+--


| CH1 | SYN | CH4 | CH3 | CH2 | CH1 |SYN |------->




** Page 70

By interleaving coded characters in a highspeed digital stream it

is possible to send several separate voice channels along one

physical link. This process is called Time Division Multiplexing

(TDM) and together with FDM still forms the basis of most of the

globe's voicegrade communications.

Digital Networks

Elegant though these solutions are, though, they are rapidly being

replaced by totally digital schemes. Analogue systems would be very

wasteful when all that is being transmitted are the discrete audio

tones of the output of a modem. In a speech circuit, the technology

has to be able to 'hear', receive, digitize and reassemble the entire

audio spectrum between 100 Hz and 3000 Hz, which is the usual

passband of what we have come to expect from the audio quality of the

telephone. Moreover, the technology must be sensitive to a wide range

of amplitude; speech is made up of pitch and associated loudness. In

a digital network, however, all one really wants to transmit are the

digits, and it doesn't matter whether they are signified by audio

tones, radio frequency values, voltage conditions or light pulses,

just so long as there is circuitry at either end which can encode and


There are other problems with voice transmission: once two parties

have made a connection with each other (by the one dialling a number

and the other lifting a handset), good sense has suggested that it

was desirable to keep a total physical path open between them, it not

being practical to close down the path during silences and re-open it

when someone speaks. In any case the electromechanical nature of most

of today's phone exchanges would make such turning off and on very

cumbersome and noisy.

But with a purely digital transmission, routing of a 'call'

doesn't have to be physical--individual blocks merely have to bear an

electronic label of their originating and destination addresses, such

addresses being 'read' in digital switching exchanges using chips,

rather than electromechanical ones. Two benefits are thus

simultaneously obtained: the valuable physical path (the cable or

satellite link) is only in use when some intelligence is actually

being transmitted and is not in use during 'silence'; secondly,

switching can be much faster and more reliable.

Packet Switching

These ideas were synthesised into creating what has now become

packet switching. The methods were first described in the mid-1960's

but it was not until a decade later that suitable cheap technology

existed to create a viable commercial service.

** Page 71

The British Telecom product is called Packet SwitchStream (PSS) and

notable comparable US services are Compuserve, Telenet and Tymnet.

Many other countries have their own services and international packet

switching is entirely possible--the UK service is called,

unsurprisingly, IPSS.

International Packet Switched Services and DNICs


Datacalls can be made to hosts on any listed International Networks.

The NIC (Data Network Identification Code) must precede the

international host's NUA. Charges quoted are for duration (per hour)

and volume (per Ksegment) and are raised in steps of 1 minute and 10

segments respectively.

Country Network DNIC

Australia Midas 5053

8elgium Euronet 2062

Belgium Euronet 2063

Canada Datapac 3020

Canada Globedat 3025

Canada Infoswitch 3029

Denmark Euronet 2383

France Transpac 2080

French Antilles Euronet 3400

Germany (FDR) Datex P 2624

Germany (FDR) Euronet 2623

Hong Kong IDAS 4542

Irish Republic Euronet 2723

Italy Euronet 2223

Japan DDX-P 4401

Japan Venus-P 4408

Luxembourg Euronet 2703

** Page 72

Netherlands Euronet 2043

Country Network DNIC

Norway Norpak 2422

Portugal N/A 2682

Singapore Telepac 5252

South Africa Saponet 6550

Spain TIDA 2141

Sweden Telepak 2405

Switzerland Datalink 2289

Switzerland Euronet 2283

U.S.A. Autonet 3126

U.S.A. Compuserve 3132

U.S.A. ITT (UDTS) 3103

U.S.A. RCA (LSDS) 3113

U.S.A. Telenet 3110

U.S.A. Tymnet 3106

U.S.A. Uninet 3125

U.S.A. WUI (DBS) 3104

Additionally, Datacalls to the U.K. may be initiated from:

Bahrain, Barbados, Bermuda, Israel, New Zealand and the United Arabs


Up to date Information can be obtained from IPSS Marketing on


In essence, the service operates at 48kbits/sec full duplex (both

directions simultaneously) and uses an extension of time division

multiplexing Transmission streams are separated in convenient- sized

blocks or packets, each one of which contains a head and tail

signifying origination and destination. The packets are assembled

either by the originating computer or by a special facility supplied

by the packet switch system. The packets in a single transmission

stream may all follow the same physical path or may use alternate

routes depending on congestion. The packets from one 'conversation'

are very likely to be interleaved with packets from many Other

'conversations'. The originating and receiving computers see none of

this. At the receiving end, the various packets are stripped of their

routing information, and re-assembled in the correct order before

presentation to the computer's VDU or applications program.

** Page 73






o> o> o> o> o> o> o> o> o> o> | | O> O> O>

Terminal D================================-+ PAD +-==========

| |







All public data networks using packet switching seek to be

compatible with each other, at least to a considerable degree. The

international standard they have to implement is called CCITT X.25.

This is a multi-layered protocol covering (potentially) everything

from electrical connections to the user interface.

The levels work like this:

7 APPLICATION User interface

6 PRESENTATION Data formatting & code conversion

5 SESSION Co-ordination between processes

4 TRANSPORT Control of quality service

3 NETWORK Set up and maintenance of connections

2 DATA LINK Reliable transfer between terminal and network

PHYSICAL Transfer of bitstream between terminal and network

** Page 74

At the moment international agreement has only been reached on the

lowest three levels, Physical, Data Link and Network. Above that,

there is a battle in progress between IBM, which has solutions to the

problems under the name SNA (Systems Network Architecture) and most

of the remainder of the principal main- frame manufacturers, whose

solution is called OSI (Open Systems Interconnection).

Packet Switching and the Single User

So much for the background explanation. How does this affect the

user? Single users can access packet switching in one of two

principal ways. They can use special terminals able to create the

data packets in an appropriate form--called Packet Terminals, in the

(In the original book there is a diagram showing Dial-up termials and

single users connecting to a PAD system and Packet Terminals directly

connected to the PSS. Note added by Electronic Images)

** Page 75

jargon--and these sit on the packet switch circuit, accessing it via

the nearest PSS exchange using a permanent dataline and modems

operating at speeds of 2400, 4800, 9600 or 48K baud, depending on

level of traffic. Alternatively, the customer can use an ordinary

asynchronous terminal without packet-creating capabilities, and

connect into a special PSS facility which handles the packet assembly

for him. Such devices are called Packet Assembler/ Disassemblers, or

PADs. In the jargon, such users are said to have Character Terminals.

PADs are accessed either via leased line at 300 or 1200, or via

dial-up at those speeds, but also at 110 and 1200/75.

Most readers of this book, if they have used packet switching at

all, will have done so using their own computers as character

terminals and by dialling into a PAD. The phone numbers of UK PADs

can be found in the PSS directory, published by Telecom National

Networks. In order to use PSS, you as an individual need a Network

User Identity (NUI), which is registered at your local Packet Switch

Exchange (PSE). The PAD at the PSE will throw you off if you don't

give it a recognisable NUI. PADs are extremely flexible devices; they

will configure their ports to suit your equipment, both as to speed

and screen addressing, rather like a bulletin board (though to be

accurate, it is the bulletin board which mimics the PAD).

Phone numbers to access PSS PADs

Terminal operating speed:

PSE (STD) 110 OR 300 1200/75 1200 Duplex

Aberdeen (0224) 642242 642484 642644

Birmingham (021) 2145139 2146191 241 3061

Bristol (0272) 216411 216511 216611

Cambridge (0223) 82511 82411 82111

Edinburgh (031) 337 9141 337 9121 337 9393

Glasgow (041) 204 2011 204 2031 204 2051

Leeds (0532) 470711 470611 470811

Liverpool (051) 211 0000 212 5127 213 6327

London (01) 825 9421 407 8344 928 2333

or (01) 928 9111 928 3399 928 1737

Luton (0582) 8181 8191 8101

Manchester (061) 833 0242 833 0091 833 0631

Newcastle/Tyne (0632) 314171 314181 314161

Nottingham (0602) 881311 881411 881511

Portsmouth (0705) 53011 53911 53811

Reading (0734) 389111 380111 384111

(*)Slough (0753) 6141 6131 6171

(*)Local area code access to Slough is not available.

Switch the modem/dataphone to 'data' on receipt of data tone.

** Page 76

Next, you need the Network User Address (NUA) of the host you are

calling. These are also available from the same directory: Cambridge

University Computing Services's NUA is 234 222339399, BLAISE is 234

219200222, Istel is 234 252724241, and so on. The first four numbers

are known as the DNIC (Data Network Identification Code); of these

the first three are the country ('234' is the UK identifier), and the

last one the specific service in that country, '2' signifying PSS.

You can also get into Prestel via PSS, though for UK purposes it is

an academic exercise: A9 234 1100 2018 gives you Prestel without the

graphics (A9 indicates to the system that you have a teletype


Once you have been routed to the host computer of your choice,

then it is exactly if you were entering by direct dial; your password

and so on will be requested. Costs of using PSS are governed by the

number of packets exchanged, rather than the distance between two

computers or the actual time of the call. A typical PSS session will

thus contain the following running costs: local phone call to PAD (on

regular phone bill, time-related), PSS charges (dependent on number

of packets sent) and host computer bills (which could be time-related

or be per record accessed or on fixed subscription).

Packet switching techniques are not confined to public data

networks Prestel uses them for its own mini-network between the

various Retrieval Computers (the ones the public dial into) and the

Update and Mailbox Computers, and also to handle Gateway connections.

Most newer private networks are packet switched.

** Page 77

Valued Added Networks (VANs) are basic telecoms networks or

facilities to which some additional service--data processing or

hosting of publishing ventures, for example--has been added.

Public Packet Switching, by offering easier and cheaper access, is

a boon to the hacker. No longer does the hacker have to worry about

the protocols that the host computer normally expects to see from its

users. The X.25 protocol and the adaptability of the PAD mean that

the hacker with even lowest quality asynchronous comms can talk to

anything on the network. The tariff structure, favouring packets

exchanged and not distance, means that any computer anywhere in the

world can be a target.

Austin and Poulsen, the ARPAnet hackers, made dramatic use of a

private packet-switched net; the Milwaukee 414s ran around GTE's

Telenet service, one of the biggest public systems in the US. Their

self-adopted name comes from the telephone area code for Milwaukee, a

city chiefly known hitherto as a centre of the American beer

industry. During the Spring and Summer of 1983, using publicly

published directories, and the usual guessing games about

pass-numbers and pass-words, the 414s dropped into the Security

Pacific Bank in Los Angeles, the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Clinic in New

York (it is still not clear to me if they actually altered patients

records or merely looked at them), a Canadian cement company and the

Los Alamos research laboratory in New Mexico, home of the atomic

bomb, and where work on nuclear weapons continues to this day. It is

believed that they saw there 'sensitive' but not 'classified' files.

Commenting about their activities, one prominent computer security

consultant, Joesph Coates, said: 'The Milwaukee babies are great, the

kind of kids anyone would like their own to - ~be...There's nothing

wrong with those kids. The problem is with the idiots who sold the

system and the ignorant people who bought it. Nobody should buy a

computer without knowing how much ~ . security is built in....You

have the timid dealing with the foolish.'

During the first couple of months of 1984, British hackers carried

out a thorough exploration of SERCNET, the private packet-switched

network sponsored by the Science and Engineering Research Council and

centred on the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Cambridge. It links

together all the science and technology universities and polytechnics

in the United Kingdom and has gateways to PSS and CERN (European

Nuclear Research).

** Page 78

Almost every type of mainframe and large mini-computer can be

discovered hanging on to the system, IBM 3032 and 370 at Rutherford

itself, Prime 400s, 550s and 750s all over the place, VAX 11/780s at

Oxford, Daresbury, other VAXs at Durham, Cambridge, York, East Anglia

and Newcastle, large numbers of GEC 4000 family members, and the odd

PDP11 running Unix.

Penetration was first achieved when a telephone number appeared on

a popular hobbyist bulletin board, together with the suggestion that

the instruction 'CALL 40' might give results. It was soon discovered

that if the hacker typed DEMO when asked for name and establishment,

things started to happen. For several days hackers left each other

messages on the hobbyist bulletin board, reporting progress, or the

lack of it. Eventually, it became obvious that DEMO was supposed, as

its name suggests, to be a limited facilities demonstration for

casual users, but that it had been insecurely set up.

I can remember the night I pulled down the system manual, which

had been left in an electronic file, watching page after page scroll

down my VDU at 300 baud. All I had had to do was type the word

'GUIDE'. I remember also fetching down lists of addresses and

mnemonics of SERCNET members. Included in the manual were extensive

descriptions of the network protocols and their relation to

'standard' PSS-style networks.

As I complete this chapter I know that certain forms of access to

SERCNET have been shut off, but that hacker exploration appears to

continue. Some of the best hacker stories do not have a definite

ending. I offer some brief extracts from captured SERCNET sessions.

03EOEHaae NODE 3.

Which Service?




Welcome to SERCNET-PSS Gateway. Type HELP for help.

Gatew::~cInkging in

user HELP

ID last used Wednesday, 18 January 1984 16:53

Started - Wed 18 Jan 19a4 17:07:55

Please enter your name and establishment DEMO

Due to a local FTP problem messages entered via the HELP system

during the last month have been lost. Please resubmit if

problem/question is still outstanding 9/1/84

No authorisation is required for calls which do not incur charges at

the Gateway. There is now special support for TELEX. A TELEX service

may be announced shortlY.

Copies of the PSS Guide issue 4 are available on request to Program

Advisory Office at RAL, telephone 0235 44 6111 (direct dial in) or

0235 21900 Ext 6111. Requests for copies should no longer be placed

in this help system.

The following options are available:

** Page 79


Which option do you require? GUIDE

The program 'VIEW' is used to display the Gateway guide

Commands available are:

or N next page

p previous page

n list page n

+n or -n go forward or back n pages

S first page

E last page

L/string find line Containing string

F/string find line beginning string

Q exit from VIEW

VIEW Vn 6> Q

The following options are available:


Which option do you require? HELP

NOTES replies to user queries & other notes

GUIDE Is the complete Gateway user guide (including the Appendices)

TITLES 1- a list of SERCNET L PSS addresses & mnemonics (Guide

Appendix 1)

ERRORS List of error codes you may receive EXAMPLES are ome examples

of use of the Gateway (Guide Appendix 2)

QUIT exits from this session

The following options are available:


Which option do you require? TITLES

VIEW Vn o>

If you have any comments, please type them now, terminate with E

on a line on its own. Otherwise just type

CPU used: 2 ieu, Elapsed: 14 mins, IO: 2380 units, Break: 114

Budgets: this period = 32.000 AUs, used = 0.015 AU, left - 29.161 AUs

User HELP terminal 2 logged out Wed 18 Jan 1984 17:21:59

84/04/18. 18.47.00.











> ThE SERCNET - PSS Gateway

> User's Guide

A S Dunn

>Issue 4 16 February 1983


** Page 80

Frm 1; Next>

The SERCNET-PSS Gateway provides access from SERCNET to PSS and PSS

to SERCNET. It functions as a 'straight through' connection between

the networks, ie it is protocol transparant. It operates as a

Transport Level gateway, in accordance with the 'Yellow book'

Transport Service. However the present implementation does not have a

full Transport Service. and therefore there are some limitations in

the service provided. For X29 which is incompatible with the Yellow

book Transport Service. special facilities are provided for the input

of user identification and addresses.

No protocol conversion facilities are provided by the Gateway -

protocol conversion facilities (eg X29 - TS29) can be provided by

calling through a third party machine (usually on SERCNET).

The Transport Service addressing has been extended to include

authorisation fields, so that users can be billed for any charges

they incur.

The Gateway also provides facilities for users to inspect their

accounts and change their passwords, and also a limited HELP


User Interface

The interface which the user sees will depend on the local equipment


Frm 2; Next>

which he is attached. This may be a PAD in which case he will

probably be using the X29 protocol, or a HOST (DTE) in which case he

might be using FTP for example. The local equipment must have some

way of generating a Transport Service Called Address for the Gateway,

which also includes an authorisation field - the format of this is

described below. The documentation for the local system must

therefore be consulted in order to find out how to generate the

Transport Service Called Address. Some examples given in Appendix 2.

A facility is provided for the benefit of users without access to the

'Fast Select' facility, eg BT PAD users (but available to all X29

terminal users) whereby either a minimal address can be included in

the Call User Data Field or an X25 subaddress can be used and the

Call User Data Field left absent.

The authorisation and address can then be entered when prompted by

the Gateway.

Unauthorised Use

Frm 5: Next>

No unauthorised use of the Gateway is allowed regardless of whether

charges are Incurred at the Gateway or not.

However, there is an account DEMO (password will be supplied on

request) With a small allocation which is available for users to try

out the Gateway but it should be noted that excessive use of this

account will soon exhaust the allocation thus depriving others of its


Prospective users of the Gateway should first contact User Interface

Group In the Computing Division of the Rutherford Appleton



To connect a call through the Gateway the following information is

required in the Transport Service Called Address:

1) The name of the called network

2) Authorisation. consisting of a USERID, PASSWORD and ACCOUNT, and

optionally, a reverse charging request

3) The address of the target host on the called network

The format is as follows:


1) is one of the following:

** Page 81

SERCNET to connect to the SERC network

PSS to connect to PSS

S an alias for SERCNET

69 another alias for SERCNET

2) is a list of positional or keyword

parameters or booleans as follows:

keyword Meaning

US User identifier

PW User's password

AC the account - not used at present - talen to be same as US

RF 'reply paid' request (see below)

R reverse charging indicator (boolean)

keywords are separated from their values by '='.

keyword-value pairs positional parameters and booleans are separated

from each other by ','. The whole string is enclosed in parentheses:






All the above have exactly the same meaning. The first form is the

most usual.

When using positionals, the order is: US,PW,AC,RP,R

3) is the address of the machine being called on the

target network. It may be a compound address, giving the service

within the target machine to be used. It may begin with a mnemonic

instead of a full DTE address. A list of current mnemonics for both

SERCNET and PSS is given in Appendix 1.

A restriction of using the Gateway is that where a Transport Service

address (service name) is required by the target machine to identify

the service to be used, then this must be included explicitly by the

user in the Transport Service Called Address, and not assumed from

the mnemonic, since the Gateway cannot Inow from the mnemonic. which

protocol is being used.




Both the above would refer to the FTP service on the GEC 'B' machine

at Rutherford.

RLGB alone would in fact connect to the X29 server, since no service

name is Frm 7; Next>

required for X29.

In order to enable subaddresses to be entered more easily with PSS

addresses, the delimiter '-' can be used to delimit a mnemonic. When

the mnemonic is translated to an address the delimiting '-' is

deleted so that the following string is combined with the address.


SERC-99 is translated to 23422351919199

Putting the abovementioned three components together, a full

Transport Service Called Address might look like:


** Page 82

Of course a request for reverse charging on SERCNET is meaningless,

but not illegal.

Reply Paid Facility (Omit at first reading)

In many circumstances it is necessary for temporary authorisation to

be passed to a third party. For example, the recipient of network

MAIL may not himself be authorised to use the Gateway, and therefore

the sender may wish to grant him temporary authorisation in order to

reply. With the Job Transfer and maniplulation protocol, there is a

requirement to return output documents from jobs which have been

executed on a remote site.

The reply paid facility is involved by including the RP keyword in the

authorisation. It can be used either as a boolean or as a

keyword-value pair. When used as a boolean, a default value of I is


The value of the RP parameter indicates the number of reply paid

calls which are to be authorised. All calls which use the reply paid

authorisation will be charged to the account of the user who

initiated the reply paid authorisation.

Frm 9; Next:

The reply paid authorisation parameters are transmitted to the

destination address of a call as a temporary user name and password

in the Transport Service Calling Address. The temporary user name and

password are in a form available for use by automatic systems in

setting up a reply to the address which initiated the original call.

Each time a successful call is completed using the temporary user

name and password, the number of reply paid authorisations is reduced

by 1, until there are none left, when no further replies are allowed.

In addition there is an expiry date of I week, after which the

authorisations are cancelled.

In the event of call failures and error situations, it is important

that the effects are clearly defined. In the following definitions,

the term 'fail' is used to refer to any call which terminates with

either a non-zero clearing cause or diagnostic code or both,

regardless of whether data has been communicated or not. The rules

are defined as follows:

1) If a call which has requested reply paid authorisation fails for

any reason, then the reply paid authorisation is not set up.

2) If the Gateway is unable to set up the reply paid authorisation

for any reason (eg insufficient space), then the call requesting the

authorisation will be refused.

3) A call which is using reply paid authorisation may not create

another reply paid authorisation.

4) If a call which is using reply paid authorisation fails due to a

network error (clearing cause non zero) then the reply paid count is

not reduced.

5) If a call which is using reply paid authorisation fails due to a

host clearing (clearing cause zero, diagnostic code non-zero) then

the reply paid count is reduced, except where the total number of

segments transferred on the call is zero (ie call setup was never


Frm 11; Next?

X29 Terminal Protocol

There is a problem in that X29 is incompatible with the Transport

Service. For this reason, it is possible that some PAD

implementations will be unable to generate the Transport Service

Called Address. Also some PAD's, eg the British Telecom PAD, may be

unable to generate Fast Select calls - this means that the Call User

Data Field is only 12 bytes long - insufficient to hold the Transport

Service Address.

If a PAD is able to insert a text string into the Call User Data Field

beginning at the fifth byte, but is restricted to 12 characters

because of inability to generate Fast Select calls, then a partial

address can be included consisting of either the network name being

called, or the network name plus authorisation.

** Page 83

The first character is treated as a delimiter, and should be entered

as the character '7'. This is followed by the name of the called

network - SERCNET.

Alternatively, if the PAD is incapable of generating a Call User Data

Field, then the network name can be entered as an X25 subaddress. The

mechanism employed by the Gateway is to transcribe the X25 subaddress

to the beginning of the Transport Service Called Address, converting

the digits of the subaddress into ASCII characters in the process.

Note that this means only SERCNET can be called with this method at

present by using subaddress 69.

The response from the Gateway will be the following message:

Please enter your authorisation and address required in form:


Reply with the appropriate response eg:


There is a timeout of between 3 and 4 minutes for this response.

after which the call will be cleared. There is no limit to the number

of attempts which may be made within this time limit - if the

authorisation or address entered is invalid, the Gateway will request

it again. To abandon the attempt. the call should be cleared from the

local PAD.

A restriction of this method of use of the Gateway is that a call

must be correctly authorised by the Gateway before charging can

begin, thus reverse charge calls from PSS which do not contain

authorisation in the Call Request packet will be refused. However it

is possible to include the authorisation but not the address in the

Call Request packet. The authorisation must then be entered again

together with the address when requested by the Gateway.

The above also applies when using a subaddress to identify the called

network. In this case the Call User Data Field will contain only the

authorisation in parentheses (preceded by the delimiter '@')

- 5 -

Due to the lack of a Transport Service ACCEPT primitive in X29 it will be

found, on some PADs, that a 'call connected' message will appear on the

terminal as soon as the call has been connected to the Gateway. The 'call

connected' message should not be taken to imply that contact has been made

With the ultimate destination. The Gateway will output a message 'Call

connected to remote address' when the connection has been established.

Frm 14; Next

ITP Terminal Protocol

The terminal protocol ITP is used extensively on SERCNET and some

hosts support only this terminal protocol. Thus it will not be

possible to make calls directly between these hosts on SERCNET and

addresses on PSS which support only X29 or TS29. In these cases it

will be necessary to go through an intermediate machine on SERCNET

which supports both x29 and ITP or TS29 and ITP, such as a GEC ITP.

This is done by first making a call to the GEC MUM, and then making

an outgoing call from there to the desired destination.

PTS29 Terminal Protocol

This is the ideal protocol to use through the Gateway. since there

should be no problem about entering the Transport Service address.

However, it is divisable first to ascertain that the machine to be

called will support

When using this protocol, the service name of the TS29 server should be

entered explicitly, eg:

** Page 84



Due to the present lack of a full Transport Service in the Gateway,

some primitives are not fully supported.

In particular, the ADRESS, DISCONNECT and RESET primitives are not

fully supported. Howerver this should not present serious problems,

since the ADDRESS and REASET primitives are not widely used, and the

DISCONNECT primitive can be carried in a Clear Request packet.


Access to IPSS is through PSS. Just enter the IPSS address in place

of the PSS address.

................ and on and on for 17 pages

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