Saturday, June 2, 2007


Viewdata Systems

Viewdata, or videotex, has had a curious history. At one stage, in

the late 1970s, it was possible to believe that it was about to take

over the world, giving computer power to the masses via their

domestic tv sets. It was revolutionary in the time it was developed,

around 1975, in research laboratories owned by what was then called

the Post Office, but which is now British Telecom. It had a

colour-and-graphics display, a user-friendly means of talking to it

at a time when most computers needed precise grunts to make them

work, and the ordinary layperson could learn how to use it in five


The viewdata revolution never happened, because Prestel, its most

public incarnation, was mismarketed by its owners, British Telecom,

and because, in its original version, it is simply too clumsy and

limited to handle more sophisticated applications. All information is

held on electronic file cards which can easily be either too big or

too small for a particular answer and the only way you can obtain the

desired information is by keying numbers, trundling down endless

indices. In the early days of Prestel, most of what you got was

indices, not substantive information. By the time that viewdata sets

were supposed to exist in their hundreds of thousands, home

computers, which had not been predicted at all when viewdata first

appeared, had already sold into the millionth British home.

Yet private viewdata, mini-computers configured to look like

Prestel and to use the same special terminals, has been a modest

success. At the time of writing there are between 120 and 150

significant installations. They have been set up partly to serve the

needs of individual companies, but also to help particular trades,

industries and professions. The falling cost of viewdata terminals

has made private systems attractive to the travel trade, to retail

stores, the motor trade, to some local authorities and to the

financial world.

** Page 86

The hacker, armed with a dumb viewdata set, or with a software

fix for his micro, can go ahead and explore these services. At the

beginning of this book, I said my first hack was of a viewdata

service. Viditel, the Dutch system. It is astonishing how many

British hackers have had a similar experience. Indeed, the habit of

viewdata hacking has spread throughout Europe also: the wonder- fully

named Chaos Computer Club of Hamburg had some well-publicised fun

with Bildschirmtext, the West German Prestel equivalent

colloquially-named Btx.

What they appear to have done was to acquire the password of the

Hamburger Sparkasse, the country's biggest savings bank group.

Whereas telebanking is a relatively modest part of Prestel --the

service is called Homelink--the West German banks have been a

powerful presence on Btx since its earliest days. In fact, another

Hamburg bank, the Verbraucher Bank, was responsible for the world's

first viewdata Gateway, for once in this technology, showing the

British the way. The 25-member Computer Chaos Club probably acquired

the password as a result of the carelessness of a bank employee.

Having done so, they set about accessing the bank's own, rather high

priced, pages, some of which cost almost DM10 (£2.70). In a

deliberate demonstration, the Club then set a computer to

systematically call the pages over and over again, achieving a

re-access rate of one page every 20 seconds. During a weekend in

mid-November 1984, they made more than 13,000 accesses and ran up a

notional bill of DM135,000 (£36,000). Information Providers, of

course, are not charged for looking at their own pages, so no bill

was payable and the real cost of the hack was embarrassment.

In hacking terms, the Hamburg hack was relatively trivial-- simple

password acquisition. Much more sophisticated hacks have been

perpertrated by British enthusiasts.

Viewdata hacking has three aspects: to break into systems and become

user, editor or system manager thereof; to discover hidden parts of

systems to which you have been legitimately admitted, and to uncover

new services.

Viewdata software structures

An understanding of how a viewdata database is set up is a great

aid in learning to discover what might be hidden away. Remember,

there are always two ways to each page--by following the internal

indexes, or by direct keying using *nnn#. In typical viewdata

software, each electronic file card or 'page' exists on an overall

tree-like structure:

** Page 87




---------------------+----------------------- ...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


------------+-------------------------------- ...

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38


------------------------+-------------------- ...

351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 3-digit

| node

-------------+------------------------------- ...

3531 3532 3533 3534 3535 3536 3537 3538


-------------------------------------------+-- ...

Top pages are called parents; lower pages filials. Thus page 3538

needs parent pages 353, 35, 3 and 0 to support it, i.e. these pages

must exist on the system. On Prestel, the parents owned by

Information Providers (the electronic publishers) are 3 digits long

(3-digit nodes). Single and double-digit pages (0 to 99) are owned by

the 'system manager' (and so are any pages beginning with the

sequences 100nn-199nn and any beginning with a 9nnn). When a page is

set up by an Information Provider (the process of going into 'edit'

mode varies from software package to package; on Prestel, you call up

page 910) two processes are necessary--the overt page (i.e. the

display the user sees) must be written using a screen editor. Then

the IP must select a series of options--e.g. whether the page is for

gathering a response from the user or is just to furnish information;

whether the page is to be open for viewing by all, by a Closed User

Group, or just by the IP (this facility is used while a large

database is being written and so that users don't access part of it

by mistake); the price (if any) the page will bear--and the 'routing

instructions'. When you look at a viewdata page and it says 'Key 8

for more information on ABC', it is the routing table that is

constructed during edit that tells the viewdata computer: 'If a user

on this page keys 8, take him through to the following next page'.

Thus, page 353880 may say 'More information on ABC....KEY 8'. The

information on ABC is actually held on page 3537891. The routing

table on page 353880 will say: 8=3537891. In this example, you will

see that 3537891 i9 not a true filial of 353880--this does not

matter; however, in order for 3537891 to exist on the system, its

parents must exist, i.e. there must be pages 353789, 35378, 3537


** Page 88



Input Details -

Update option o

Pageno 4190100 Frame-Id a

User CUG User access y

Frame type i Frame price 2p

Choice type s


0- * 1- 4196121

2- 4196118 3- 4196120

4- 4196112 5- 4196119

6- 4196110 7- *

8- 4190101 9- 4199

Prestel Editing. This is the 'choices' page which se s up the frame

before the overt page - the one the user sees - is prepared.

These quirky features of viewdata software can help the hacker

search out hidden databases:

* Using a published directory, you can draw up a list of 'nodes' and

who occupies them. You can then list out apparently 'unoccupied'

nodes and see if they contain anything interesting. It was when a

hacker spotted that an 'obvious' Prestel node, 456, had been unused

for a while, that news first got out early in 1984 about the Prestel

Micro computing service, several weeks ahead of the official


* If you look at the front page of a service, you can follow the

routings of the main index--are all the obvious immediate filials

used? If not, can you get at them by direct keying?

** Page 89

* Do any services start lower down a tree than you might expect

(i.e. more digits in a page number than you might have thought)? In

that case, try accessing the parents and see what happens.

* Remember that you can get a message 'no such page' for two

reasons: because the page really doesn't exist, or because the

Information Provider has put it on 'no user access'. In the latter

case, check to see whether this has been done consistently--look at

the immediate possible filials. To go back to when Prestel launched

its Prestel Microcom- puting service, using page 456 as a main node,

456 itself was closed off until the formal opening, but page 45600

was open.

Prestel Special Features

In general, this book has avoided giving specific hints about

individual services, but Prestel is so widely available in the UK and

so extensive in its coverage that a few generalised notes seem


Not all Prestel's databases may be found via the main index or in

the printed directories; even some that are on open access are

unadvertised. Of particular interest over the last few years have

been nodes 640 (owned by the Research and Development team at

Martlesham), 651 (Scratchpad--used for ad hoc demonstration

databases), 601 (mostly mailbox facilities but also known to carry

experimental advanced features so that they can be tried out), and

650 (News for Information Providers--mostly but not exclusively in a

Closed User Group). Occasionally equipment manufacturers offer

experimental services as well: I have found high-res graphics and

even instruction codes for digitised full video lurking around.

In theory, what you find on one Prestel computer you will find on

all the others. In practice this has never been true, as it has

always been possible to edit individually on each computer, as well

as on the main updating machine which is supposed to broadcast to all

the others. The differences in what is held in each machine will

become greater over time.

Gateway is a means of linking non-viewdata external computers to

the Prestel system. It enables on-screen buying and booking, complete

with validation and confirmation. It even permits telebanking, Most

'live' forms of gateway are very secure, with several layers of

password and security. However, gateways require testing before they

can be offered to the public; in the past, hackers have been able to

secure free rides out of Prestel....

** Page 90

Careful second-guessing of the routings on the databases including

telesoftware(*) have given users free programs while the

telesoftware(*) was still being tested and before actual public


Prestel, as far as the ordinary user is concerned, is a very

secure system--it uses 14-digit passwords and disconnects after three

unsuccessful tries. For most purposes, the only way of hacking into

Prestel is to acquire a legitimate user's password, perhaps because

they have copied it down and left it prominently displayed. Most

commercial viewdata sets allow the owner to store the first ten

digits in the set (some even permit the full 14), thus making the

casual hacker's task easier. However, Prestel was sensationally

hacked at the end of October 1984, the whole system Iying at the feet

of a team of four West London hackers for just long enough to

demonstrate the extent of their skill to the press. Their success was

the result of persistence and good luck on their side and poor

security and bad luck on the part of BT. As always happens with

hacking activities that do not end up in court, some of the details

are disputed; there are also grounds for believing that news of the

hack was deliberately held back until remedial action had taken

place, but this is the version I believe:

The public Prestel service consists of a network of computers,

mostly for access by ordinary users, but with two special-purpose

machines, Duke for IPs to update their information into and Pandora,

to handle Mailboxes (Prestel's variant on electronic mail). The

computers are linked by non-public packet-switched lines. Ordinary

Prestel users are registered (usually) onto two or three computers

local to them which they can access with the simple three-digit

telephone number 618 or 918. In most parts of the UK, these two

numbers will return a Prestel whistle. (BT Prestel have installed a

large number of local telephone nodes and

(*)Tefesoftware is a technique for making regular computer programs

available via viewdata the program lines are compressed according to

a simple set of rules and set up on a senes of viewdata frames. Each

frame contains a modest error-checking code. To receive a program,

the user's computer, under the control of a 'download' routine calls

the first program page down from the viewdata host, runs the error

check on it, and demands a re transmission if the check gives a

'false' If it gives a 'true', the user's machine unsqueezes the

programmes and dumps them into the Computers main memory or disc

store. It then requests the next viewdata page unfil the whole

program is collected. You then have a text file which must be

Converted into program instructions. Depending on what model of

micro you have, and which telesoftware package, you can either run

the program immediately or expect it. Personally I found the

telesoftware experience interesting the first time I tried it, and

quite useless in terms of speed, reliability and quality afterwards.

** Page 91

leased lines to transport users to their nearest machine at local

call rates, even though in some cases that machine may be 200 miles

away). Every Prestel machine also has several regular phone numbers

associated with it, for IPs and engineers. Most of these numbers

confer no extra privileges on callers: if you are registered to a

particular computer and get in via a 'back-door' phone number you

will pay Prestel and IPs exactly the same as if you had dialled 618

or 918. If you are not registered, you will be thrown off after three


In addition to the public Prestel computers there are a number of

other BT machines, not on the network, which look like Prestel and

indeed carry versions of the Prestel database. These machines, left

over from an earlier stage of Prestel's development, are now used for

testing and development of new Prestel features. The old Hogarth

computer, originally used for international access, is now called

'Gateway Test' and, as its name implies, is used by IPs to try out

the interconnections of their computers with those of Prestel prior

to public release. It is not clear how the hackers first became aware

of the existence of these 'extra' machines; one version is that it

was through the acquisition of a private phone book belonging to a BT

engineer. Another version suggests that they tried 'obvious' log-in

pass-numbers--2222222222 1234--on a public Prestel computer and found

themselves inside a BT internal Closed User Group which contained

lists of phone numbers for the develop computers. The existence of at

least two stories suggests that the hackers wished to protect their

actual sources. In fact, some of the phone numbers had, to my certain

knowledge, appeared previously on bulletin boards.

At this first stage, the hackers had no passwords; they could

simply call up the log-in page. Not being registered on that

computer, they were given the usual three tries before the line was


For a while, the existence of these log-in pages was a matter of

mild curiosity. Then, one day, in the last week of October, one of

the log-in pages looked different: it contained what appeared to be a

valid password, and one with system manager status, no less. A

satisfactory explanation for the appearance of this password

imprinted on a log-in page has not so far been forthcoming. Perhaps

it was carelessness on the part of a BT engineer who thought that, as

the phone number was unlisted, no unauthorised individual would ever

see it. The pass-number was tried and admission secured.

** Page 92

After a short period of exploration of the database, which

appeared to be a 'snapshot' of Prestel rather than a live version of

it--thus showing that particular computer was not receiving constant

updates from Duke--the hackers decided to explore the benefits of

System Manager status. Since they had between them some freelance

experience of editing on Prestel, they knew that all Prestel special

features pages are in the *9nn# range: 910 for editing; 920 to change

personal passwords; 930 for mailbox messages and so ...what would

pages 940, 950, 960 and so on do? It became obvious that these pages

would reveal details of users together with account numbers

(systelnos), passwords and personal passwords. There were facilities

to register and deregister users.

However, all this was taking place on a non-public computer. Would

the same passwords on a 'live' Prestel machine give the same

benefits? Amazingly enough, the passwords gave access to every

computer on the Prestel network. It was now time to examine the user

registration details of real users as opposed to the BT employees who

were on the development machine. The hackers were able to assume any

personality they wished and could thus enter any Closed User Group,

simply by picking the right name. Among the CUG services they swooped

into were high-priced ones providing investment advice for clients of

the stockbroker Hoare Govett and commentary on international currency

markets supplied by correspondents of the Financial Times. They were

also able to penetrate Homelink, the telebanking service run by the

Nottingham Building Society. They were not able to divert sums of

money, however, as Homelink uses a series of security checks which

are independent of the Prestel system.

Another benefit of being able to become whom they wished was the

ability to read Prestel Mailboxes, both messages in transit that had

not yet been picked up by the intended recipient and those that had

been stored on the system once they had been read. Among the

Mailboxes read was the one belonging to Prince Philip. Later, with a

newspaper reporter as witness, one hacker sent a Mailbox, allegedly

from Prince Philip to the Prestel System Manager:

I do so enjoy puzzles and games. Ta ta. Pip! Pip!

H R H Hacker

Newspaper reports also claimed that the hackers were able to gain

editing passwords belonging to IPs, enabling them to alter pages and

indeed the Daily Mail of November 2nd carried a photograph of a

Prestel page from the Financial Times International Financial Alert


** Page 93


The FT maintained that, whatever might theoretically have been

possible, in fact they had no record of their pages actually being so

altered and hazarded the suggestion that the hacker, having broken

into their CUG and accessed the page, had 'fetched it back' onto his

own micro and then edited there, long enough for the Mail's

photographer to snap it for his paper, but without actually

retransmitting the false page back to Prestel. As with so many other

hacking incidents, the full truth will never be known because no one

involved has any interest in its being told.

However, it is beyond doubt that the incident was regarded with the

utmost seriousness by Prestel itself. They were convinced of the

extent of the breach when asked to view page 1, the main index page,

which bore the deliberate mis-spelling: Idnex. Such a change

theoretically could only have been made by a Prestel employee with

the highest internal security clearance. Within 30 minutes, the

system manager password had been changed on all computers, public and

research. All 50,000 Prestel users signing on immediately after

November 2nd were told to change their personal password without

delay on every computer to which they were registered. And every IP

received, by Special Delivery, a complete set of new user and editing


Three weeks after the story broke, the Daily Mail thought it had

found yet another Prestel hack and ran the following page 1 headline:

'Royal codebuster spies in new raid on Prestel', a wondrous

collection of headline writer's buzzwords to capture the attention of

the sleepy reader. This time an Information Provider was claiming

that, even after new passwords had been distributed, further security

breaches had occurred and that there was a 'mole' within Prestel

itself. That evening, Independent Television News ran a feature much

enjoyed by cognoscenti: although the story was about the Prestel

service, half the film footage used to illustrate it was wrong: they

showed pictures of the Oracle (teletext) editing facility and of

some-one using a keypad that could only have belonged to a TOPIC set,

as used for the Stock Exchange's private service. Finally, the name

of the expert pulled in for interview was mis-spelled although he was

a well-known author of micro books. The following day, BBC-tv's

breakfast show ran an item on the impossibility of keeping Prestel

secure, also full of ludicrous inaccuracies.

** Page 94

It was the beginning of a period during which hackers and hacking

attracted considerable press interest. No news service operating in

the last two months of 1984 felt it was doing an effective job if it

couldn't feature its own Hacker's Confession, suitably filmed in deep

shadow. As happens now and again, press enthusiasm for a story ran

ahead of the ability to check for accuracy and a number of Hacks That

Never Were were reported and, in due course, solemnly commented on.

BT had taken much punishment for the real hack--as well as causing

deep depression among Prestel staff, the whole incident had occurred

at the very point when the corporation was being privatised and

shares being offered for sale to the public--and to suffer an

unwarranted accusation of further lapses in security was just more

than they could bear. It is unlikely that penetration of Prestel to

that extent will ever happen again, though where hacking is

concerned, nothing is impossible.

There is one, relatively uncommented-upon vulnerability in the

present Prestel set-up: the information on Prestel is most easily

altered via the bulk update protocols used by Information Providers,

where there is a remarkable lack of security. All the system

presently requires is a 4-character editing password and the IP's

systel number, which is usually the same as his mailbox number

(obtainable from the on-system mailbox directory on page *7#) which

in turn is very likely to be derived from a phone number.

Other viewdata services

Large numbers of other viewdata services exist: in addition to the

Stock Exchange's TOPIC and the other viewdata based services

mentioned in chapter 4, the travel trade has really clutched the

technology to its bosom: the typical High Street agent not only

accesses Prestel but several other services which give up-to-date

information on the take-up of holidays, announce price changes and

allow confirmed air-line and holiday bookings.

Several of the UK's biggest car manufacturers have a stock locator

system for their dealers: if you want a British Leyland model with a

specific range of accessories and in the colour combinations of your

choice, the chances are that your local dealer will not have it

stock. He can, however, use the stock locator to tell him with which

other dealer such a machine may be found.

Stock control and management information is used by retail chains

using, in the main, a package developed by a subsidiary of Debenhams.

Debenhams had been early enthusiasts of Prestel in the days when it

was still being pitched at a mass consumer audience--its service was

called Debtel which wags suggested was for people who owed money or,

alternatively, for upper-class young ladies.

** Page 95

Later it formed DISC to link together its retail outlets, and this

was hacked in 1983. The store denied that anything much had

happened, but the hacker appeared (in shadow) on a tv program

together with a quite convincing demonstration of his control over

the system.

Audience research data is despatched in viewdata mode to

advertising agencies and broadcasting stations by AGB market

research. There are even alternate viewdata networks rivalling that

owned by Prestel, the most important of which is, at the time of

writing, the one owned by Istel and headquartered at Redditch in the

Midlands. This network transports several different trade and

professional services as well as the internal data of British

Leyland, of whom Istel is a subsidiary.

A viewdata front-end processor is a minicomputer package which

sits between a conventionally-structured database and its ports which

look into the phone-lines. Its purpose is to allow users with

viewdata sets to search the main database without the need to

purchase an additional conventional dumb terminal. Some view- data

front-end processors (FEPs) expect the user to have a full alphabetic

keyboard, and merely transform the data into viewdata pages 40

characters by 24 lines in the usual colours. More sophisticated FEPs

go further and allow users with only numeric keypads to retrieve

information as well. By using FEPs a database publisher or system

provider can reach a larger population of users. FEPs have been known

to have a lower standard of security protection than the conventional

systems to which they were attached.

Viewdata standards

The UK viewdata standard--the particular graphics set and method

of transmitting frames -- is adopted in many other European countries

and in former UK imperial possessions. Numbers and passwords to

access these services occasionally appear on bulletin boards and the

systems are particularly interesting to enter while they are still on

trial. As a result of a quirk of Austrian law, anyone can

legitimately enter their service without a password; though one is

needed if you are to extract valuable information. However, important

variants to the UK standards exist: the French (inevitably) have a

system that is remarkably similar in outline but incompatible.

** Page 96

In North America, the emerging standard which was originally put

together by the Canadians for their Telidon service but which has

now, with modifications, been promoted by Ma Bell, has high

resolution graphics because, instead of building up images from block

graphics, it uses picture description techniques (eg draw line, draw

arc, fill-in etc) of the sort relatively familiar to most users of

modern home micros. Implementations of NALPS (as the US standard is

called) are available for the IBM PC.

The Finnish public service uses software which can handle nearly

all viewdata formats, including a near-photographic mode.

Software similar to that used in the Finnish public service can be

found on some private systems. Countries vary considerably in their

use of viewdata technology: the German and Dutch systems consist

almost entirely of gateways to third-party computers; the French

originally cost-justified their system by linking it to a massive

project to make all telephone directories open to electronic enquiry,

thus saving the cost of printed versions. French viewdata terminals

thus have full alpha-keyboards instead of the numbers-only versions

common in other countries. For the French, the telephone directory is

central and all other information peripheral. Teletel/Antiope, as the

service is called, suffered its first serious hack late in 1984 when

a journalist on the political/satirical weekly Le Canard Finchaine

claimed to have penetrated the Atomic Energy Commission's computer

files accessible via Teletel and uncovered details of laser projects,

nuclear tests in the South Pacific and an experimental nuclear


Viewdata: the future

Viewdata grew up at a time when the idea of mass computer

ownership was a fantasy, when the idea that private individuals could

store and process data locally was considered far-fetched and when

there were fears that the general public would have difficulties in

tackling anything more complicated than a numbers- only key-pad.

These failures of prediction have lead to the limitations and

clumsiness of present-day viewdata. Nevertheless, the energy and

success of the hardware salesmen plus the reluctance of companies and

organisations to change their existing set-ups will ensure that for

some time to come, new private viewdata systems will continue to be

introduced...and be worth trying to break into.

There is one dirty trick that hackers have performed on private

viewdata systems. Entering them is often easy, because high-level

editing passwords are, as mentioned earlier, sometimes desperately

insecure (see chapter 6) and it is easy to acquire editing status.

** Page 97

Once you have discovered you are an editor, you can go to edit

mode and edit the first page on the system, page 0: you can usually

place your own message on it, of course; but you can also default all

the routes to page 90. Now *90# in most viewdata systems is the

log-out command, so the effect is that, as soon as someone logs in

successfully and tries to go beyond the first page, the system logs

them out....

However, this is no longer a new trick, and one which should be

used with caution: is the database used by an important organisation?

Are you going to tell the system manager what you have done and

urge more care in password selection in future?

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